The key will help VueJS to notice the change and trigger the model bounding and the view redraw. Unfortunately, there are no simple ways to force-reload components properly in Vue. You have to add a key attribute at the router-view in the master view. I had things working as I wanted, with my product listing and edit modes, successfully routed via. But this is my first SPA, so Im falling foul of some newbie issues. process of creating an access and refresh token If you already have the vue. Vuex, vue-router and handling page reload (F5) Im in the process of switching over the application Im building to be a single-page application, using vue-router and vuex. Except when some event like Click happens, we always need to use only "$route.fullPath". json contains 3 main modules: vue, vue-router. However, to keep using both "$route.fullPath" and "value" causes some error sometimes so only when some event like Click happens, we use both "$route.fullPath" and "value". in Child Component to increment the value. Since partial reloads can only be made to the same page component the user is already on, it almost always makes sense to just use the router.reload() method. OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR Child Component to increment the value. So it becomes :key="" and we need to change "value". To be able to force-reload the components of the same route as well, we need to add "value" with an array to :key="$route.fullPath" and change "value". However, :key="$route.fullPath" only can force-reload the components of the different route but not the components of the same route. You can force-reload components by adding :key="$route.fullPath". To master this part of Vue, check the Official Docs on Reactivity - Change Detection Caveats. Or check the docs on Reactivity (link below).
Vue.set(this.person, 'address', '99th st.') (WILL auto update even though `address` was not in `data`)įor more info, read the comments in the code. They often fix issues that happen server side when all is in dev. = 'Pele' (will NOT auto update because `nickname` was not in `data`) Take a look at the example configurations on the Vue Router website. = 'Arantes' (will auto update because `name` was in `data`) Span:nth-of-type(1),button:nth-of-type(1)

}) /* CSS just for the demo, it is not necessary at all! */ Something like express-history-api-fallback-middleware can help is using Node.js/Express.js. Make sure that your back-end is set to serve index.html file for all routes since back-end server is unaware of the routes set by client-side router. First serving SPA application from the server. you will not loose your params after resfresh because whenrefreshng vue will take only data from url and forget if you passed params. get id by slug if your route is /article/:slug ). subsequent changes can be done directly now and it will auto update There are two reasons why this would happen. /article/:id/:slug ) or use one param and call your API to retrieve remaining information (e.g. Vue.set(this.person, 'address', '123th avenue.') to add it is using Vue.set or this.$set Vue-router is changing the url but not re-rendering the component. Update props in component through router-view in vue js. Prop is not being passed to router component after page refresh in Vuejs.
when some property is NOT INITIALLY declared in data, the correct way How to update vue-router on page refresh 2. Refreshing page is not going to call the buttonClick function to get you the params.

although if anything else updates, this change will be seen changes, Vue will NOT automatically update because nickname is NOT declared in data, when it The reason we use this.$router is because we don't want to import the router in every single component that needs to manipulate routing.// because name is declared in data, whenever it Keep in mind that this.$router is exactly the same as directly using the router instance created through createRouter. Throughout the docs, we will often use the router instance. We will learn more about this in the Composition API To access the router or the route inside the setup function, call the useRouter or useRoute functions. These can be imported from other files const Home = Get the Vue Router Cheat Sheet from Vue Mastery JavaScript You can put it anywhere to adapt it to your layout. Router-view will display the component that corresponds to the URL. We will see later how to benefit from these features. This allows Vue Router to change the URL without reloading the page, handle URL generation as well as its encoding. Note how instead of using regular a tags, we use a custom component router-link to create links. Html Hello App! ` will render an `` tag with the correct `href` attribute -> Go to Home Go to About Hello App! ` will render an `` tag with the correct `href` attribute -> Go to Home Go to About router-link